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Vehicle Detailing

Concordia Chevrolet Detailing
Concordia Chevrolet Detailing
Aquapel Windshield treatment $34.99
(one windshield OR 2 side glass) Combine All Together & Save
Only $65.00 Ask for details
Full detail is available as well:
Wash, Wax, Vacuum, Shampoo, Interior Wipe Down
Price will vary by vehicle condition
(interior/exterior), make, model & size
Average pricing beginning at $250.00 Ask for details


** Disclaimer by Concordia Chevrolet– all pricing is subject to normal (average) vehicle exterior and/or interior condition to be determined at time of detail. Excessive dirt or mud on exterior will add time to wash or wax process. Pet hair, dirt, mud, grease, or other contaminants in exterior may add time to vacuum, shampoo, and interior process and each will be dealt with on a case by case basis. Additional time will be billed at $30/hr.

Prices effective 05/01/2020 - subject to change without written notice.